
Myanmar, also called Burma...

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Myanmar, also called Burma, or officially UNION OF MYANMAR, is a country lying along the eastern coasts of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea in south-east Asia. To be more accurate, Myanmar lies between Latitudes 4’31’ and 28’31’ North and Longitudes 92’10’ and 101’11’ East.

About 55 million people live in Myanmar.Though ethnologists have identified 135 different ethno linguistic groups, the eight major races are Bamar, Mon, Kachin, Kayin, kayah, Chin, Rakhine and Shan. There are still a good number of Indian and Chinese people.

Myanmar or Burmese is the official language. More than 100 dialects are spoken in the country. English is spoken within business areas.


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While the majority of Myanmar, around 87 per cent, practice Theravada Buddhism, there are also Christians, Muslims, Hindus and some animists. However, there is complete freedom in religion among Buddhists or non-Buddhists in Myanmar. An appreciation of Buddhism may probably help foreigners who want better understanding of the Myanmar temperament.



Myanmar lies between two of the world's great and ancient civilizations- China and India and it has incorporated the finer arts and blended it to the tastes of native traits and characteristics. Buddhism has great influence on the conduct of life, so the people have maintained the tradition of reverence for religion and clergy, obedience and respect for parents, elders & seniors. Simple and modest dresses and traditional native costumes of the different tribes. Every full moon day of the lunar month is celebrated joyously with delicacies, food and charities for a religious, social or seasonal festival. Lavish receptions for a happy or special occasion with music, merry-making, songs and dance. Generally speaking the people are hospitable, friendly and fun loving. But during the Buddhist Lent [from full moon of July to full moon of October] marriages and shifting of residences are a taboo for the laity. Also the change of monasteries for the clergy. Myanmar enjoys a rich heritage of culture and custom.

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